Robert Llimós

Robert Llimós - Corredores

Robert Llimós
Title: Corredores
Gallery: Zielinsky

Robert Llimós presents a version of the action titled Corredores, created for the Pamplona Encounters of 1972. Three performers dressed in identical clothes for the practice of running, will run through the fair at a certain moment.

Three athletes running though common spaces: the corridors, the entrance, the exit, the coffee shop. As in Pamplona, ​​the white sports clothes have been painted by Llimós with black diagonal brushstrokes, as a way of putting his canvases in motion.

Sometimes the runners carry flowers or bread, sometimes they have their ankles tied with an elastic band; this is why the encounters in Pamplona constituted an important turning point in Spanish artistic practice during the last years of the Franco regime. In addition, they emerged as an initiative to support contemporary musical creation and new artistic and cinematographic manifestations.


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