Ana Nuñez Rodríguez y Sebastián Sandoval Quimbayo


On Solid Ground, 2021
Installation and video


Tierra Firme was the name given to the northern region of South America, the non-insular region of the 'New World,' on some of the earliest European maps. On Solid Ground is an installation that articulates the location of the tip of a maritime lighthouse on the northern corner of the second-floor terrace of Ágora, with a circular-format video that records the sea as seen from a lighthouse. The video projection is located in the southern corner of the rooms occupied by Artecámara 2023. This 'tandem' functions as a visual, auditory, and luminous reference that recalls the orientation for navigators and announces the cardinal points of a journey. This sculptural piece, which preserves the sound of the sea, serves as a reminder that the verticality of lighthouses allows us to imagine the arrival on solid ground, a safe or unknown place after an unpredictable trajectory. On the other hand, the video image evokes the reach of visibility on the high seas, visual navigation technologies, and the challenges of embarking on a journey. We typically understand voyages as events involving physical movement, but they can also occur mentally. Ana Núñez and Sebastián Sandoval invite us to move through the exhibition between these two guides and to conceive the journey as a symbol of inner transformation.


Ana Núñez Rodríguez
Instagram: @ana_nunez_rodriguez


Sebastián Sandoval Quimbayo
Instagram: @sebastiansandovalquimbayo

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