Catalina Fernández Luengas


Resistencia, 2019

The image of ourselves, the one we present to the world to fit in, is a mask we decide to put on every day. Humanity is sometimes friendly, sometimes defiant, and sometimes violent. Thus, we are dependent on circumstances: either we come out well or we are rejected. This mask is made from what the other expects to observe. This is an idealistic fabrication that follows the highest standards, it is a body and a face, a pose that wants validation, wants to belong to a group with common interests.

In the video-performance Resistencia, the artist presents herself with a natural gesture that from innocence evokes a feeling of happiness, pleasure or satisfaction. However, it is a forced attempt at approval: pleasing the public. The mask she wears emulates the gesture of a smile. That smile that opens the doors to the world of work, adulthood and successful social relations, is nevertheless little by little transformed by its own excess. That mask modifies the muscles and the flesh, that innocent feeling is perverted by its own excess and begins to arouse annoyance, fatigue and tiredness, it manages to transform the smile into a grimace, into the sardonic laugh that we all wear.

, Colombia

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