Mariana Angulo Cortés


Ausencia, 2021
Performance with 120m of gray cotton fabric, 20/30 min.
Video, 6:46 min

Each work of art responds to the time and place in which it was created. Torn between confinement and the desire to go out and denounce the violence and injustice, it is easy to fall into a daze. 

I imagine violence as a vicious circle that feeds on each action to generate new manifestations. I also imagine what happens when you want to stop this cycle that consumes everything, the violence is overwhelming and frenetic.

The artist manifests herself from her presence, the occupation of public space and non-action, sometimes disturbing with silence, alluding to consciousness generates more than screaming.

Enduring the corporality in tension of something that pulls one back, not only carries a stubbornness, but also a desire beyond pain, beyond oneself.

, Colombia

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