In his talk, Gabriel Eljaiek-Rodriguez comments on the development of Colombian Gothic and its intentional transgressions of European and American Gothic, paying special attention to Cali's Tropical Gothic and Bogota's Urban Gothic.
Friday, 28 October
3:00 p. m. - 3:25 p. m.
Corferias (Avenida La Esperanza with Carrera 39)
Free admission
Gabriel Eljaiek-Rodríguez (Colombia)
Gabriel Eljaiek-Rodriguez is a Colombian writer and academic who teaches at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. He researches Latin American Gothic, Transnational Horror Cinema, Colonial Processes of Exclusion, and Cultural Migration. Eljaiek-Rodriguez is the author of Selva de fantasmas. El gótico en la literatura y el cine latinoamericanos (2017), The Migration and Politics of Monsters in Latin American Cinema (2018), Colombian Gothic in Cinema and Literature (2021), and Baroque Aesthetics in Contemporary American Horror Cinema (2021).