Justin D. Edwards focusses in his talk on the cultural history of the tropical plantation and how representations of plantations are often Gothicized; thus, he points to what some critics have called the 'planationocene' and its relationship to Gothic cultural and artistic production.
Thursday, 27 October
3:30 p. m. - 3:55 p. m.
Corferias (Avenida La Esperanza with Carrera 39)
Free admission
Justin D. Edwards (Canada and UK)
Chair of Gothic Studies at the University of Stirling, UK. He is co-president of the International Gothic Association and the author or co-author of several books, including Grotesque (2013) Mobility at Large (2012), Postcolonial Literature (2008), Gothic Canada: Reading the Spectre of a National Literature (2005), Gothic Passages: Racial Ambiguity and the American Gothic (2003) and Exotic Journeys: Exploring the Erotics of U.S. Travel Literature (2001). He is also the editor or coeditor of Other Routes: 1500 Years of African and Asian Travel Writing (2006), Downtown Canada: Writing Canadian Cities (2005), Postcolonial Travel Writing: Critical Explorations (2010), Gothic in Contemporary Literature and Popular Culture: Pop Goth (2012) and Technologies of the Gothic in Literature and Culture: Technogothics (2015), Tropical Gothic in Literature and Culture: The Americas (2016) and B-Movie Gothic: International Perspectives (2018). He is currently engaged in a collaborative research project on Gothic in the Anthropocene.