Jonathan Alexander Chaparro Moreno


Los ojos de la casa / ¡Tan lejos, tan cerca!, 2020 - 2022
Installation with digital photography, led light and video

The projects Los ojos de la casa / ¡Tan lejos, tan cerca!, are a pair of interventions made on the facades of the house of the artist's family and the house of his neighbor. The works arose within the framework of the Interior/Exterior project of the Banco de la República, which sought to promote encounters and connections between the interior of the house, the façade, and the neighborhood during the quarantine in 2020.

Los ojos de la casa shows some of the photographic memories of his family to the neighbors who have migrated to the neighborhood in recent years. The facade works as if it were the eyes: when we try to see through these it seems that we could reach the soul of the other and know a little about the being inside. In this way, the work starts from understanding the windows as symbolic eyes through which the soul of those who inhabit the house can be contemplated. To achieve this, the artist selected a group of photographs from his grandmother's albums in order to represent the spirit of his family.

¡Tan lejos, tan cerca! is the product of the interpretation of the instructions given by the artist Natalia Pérez Villegas in the second phase of the Interior/Exterior project. In her Instructions she invited Chaparro to use her body to observe a nearby façade and spot something moving.

, Colombia

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